
Red wine
Alcool: 13.50% (varies by year)
Area di produzione: On the hills of Monteprandone, Ascoli Piceno, Marche
Uve: From red and white grape varieties vinified together
Resa: 70 per hectare
Sistema di coltivazione: Guyot espalier
Composizione del suolo: Calcareous-clayey with stones
Sistema di Vinificazione e Produzione: Soft pressing, red and white grapes fermented together for 15 days at a controlled temperature (12-18°C), first aging in cement tanks where malolactic fermentation takes place, then 12 months in oak barrels/tonneaux.
Descrizione Organolettica: Sparkling and saturated ruby red in colour, the fruity notes of blackberry, cranberry and white peach are joined by aromas of herbs such as mint and star anise, enriched by a haze of black pepper. Overall, therefore, a very varied bouquet. Thanks to its stable tannic structure and pronounced fruity aromas, this wine is taut and excellently developed on the palate, with a complex structure and a long savory acid persistence.
Conservazione: Store in a cool, dry, dark place. It has an aging potential of more than 10 years.
Temperatura di servizio: Serve at room temperature, slightly chilled (12-14°C).
Suggerimenti gastronomici: A wine for the whole meal, it goes very well with first courses, meats and cheeses.