We are getting certified for the sustainable quality of our wines with the national SQNPI brand (National Quality System for Integrated Production), recognized by the European Community (Reg. Ce 1974/2006). The certificate certifies that both our vineyards and our wines respect the environment and health through integrated pest management with low environmental impact, integrated by the additional commitments of the single sustainable certification standard for the wine-growing chain.

The Il Conte Villa Prandone company has always stood out in the area for its attention and care towards the environment, a commitment confirmed by its entry into the System which certifies: the reduction to a minimum of the use of synthetic chemicals, the rationalization of agronomic techniques, the respect of ecological, economic and toxicological principles and the maintenance of the traceability chain of the raw materials used.

In the vineyard we opt for natural fertilization in autumn and winter, capable of supplying organic substances to the soil while respecting and improving its structure. Thanks to the use of weather huts, we monitor the climatic data in the vineyard in order to adopt targeted, timely and waste-free treatments. As part of the protection of biodiversity, great attention is paid to the area surrounding the vineyards: dense vegetation allows the repopulation of local fauna, ditches and dirt roads help regulate water, while weeds under the rows are eliminated systematically with a light mechanical tillage of the soil.

Our values are a family heritage handed down for three generations, the SQNPI certification is the result of seventy years of attention to the environment and the reaffirmation of our will to proceed in this direction.